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2019 07 31 - logo Peptidyss - RVB 300dpi PNG_001-quadri .png

Keep cool & sleep better

Marine active ingredient with proven effectiveness in stress and sleep management.

Unique composition of marine peptides derived from local natural bioresources.

Strong scientific background with preclinical, clinical, transcriptomic, and proteomic studies.

femme yoga
Anti-stress benefits:

Anti-stress activity comparable to a benzodiazepine, without side effects.

Regulation of stress hormone secretion, helping to prevent negative long-term effects such as sleep disorders, irritability, or hypertension.

Modulation of gene and protein expression involved in stress management, circadian rhythm, and the aging process.

femme dans le vent
Sleep benefits:

Significant improvement in sleep quality and efficiency.

Significant reduction in daytime sleepiness and improvement in physical well-being.

Why Peptidyss®?

Evidence of Effectiveness


100% Natural

Made in France (#BZH)

No solvents, preservatives, or GMOs

homme relaxation

Partners :

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